Friday 1 June 2012


The main character from the novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is Christopher John Francis Boone. Christopher is fifteen years old and lives with his father Ed Boone and his pet rat Toby.  Christopher is autistic and so he goes to a “special school,” for kids with mental disabilities. At his school he sees his friend Siobhan, who teaches him how society works. Also, she is also someone who Christopher can talk to. Christopher despises the colors brown and yellow. However, loves the color red.  He is amazing at math and communicating with animals but has difficulty with communicating with humans.   In the novel he tries to communicate with people on his street but has a hard time because he feels they are strangers. He meets Mrs. Alexander and tries to “chat” with her. Christopher is an amazing teenager with a lot of bravery and courage.

  1. If you could be any character who would you be? Why?
  2. If you were Christopher would you want to try and find out who killed Wellington?
  3. Why do you think that Christopher is better with communicating with animals then people?
  4. If you were Siobhan would you let Christopher continue with investigating or would you tell him to stop because his dad wants him to?
  5. How do you think Christopher personality changed from the begging towards the end?
  6. What do you think the relationship between Christopher and his father are like?
  7. Why does Christopher find it hard for him to be touched by his father? What do they do instead of hugging?
  8. Do you think that without Siobhan that Christopher would not have been able to communicate with people?
  9. Why dose Christopher instantly forgives his father for get mad at him? Would you of forgiven him?
  10. If you were Christopher would you find it hard to write the story because he has a hard time communicating with others?

By: Chelsea Gaudet


  1. 1. If I could be any character in the novel, I would be Christopher. He has an interesting way of thinking and views of the world. It would be fascinating to view the world from a more logical/scientific/mathematical perspective then the one I have now. I also believe that Christopher is one of the only redeeming characters of the book compared to people such as his father, mother and Mr.Shears.

    2. If I were Christopher I would definitely be curious about who killed Wellington. I believe i would try and solve the mystery since I am an animal lover and I don't believe any animal deserves to be killed so violent(or at all). I would also want to know who killed the dog so I would be able to avoid them, because if some one is capable of killing something as innocent as a dog, you never know what else they are capable of.

    10. If I was Christopher, I don't think i would find it hard to write the story because there is a difference between communicating with others and writing your thoughts down.I feel as if, in Christopher's case, that he would have more liberty and an easier time at conveying what he is trying to say with his writing then to someone. For when he writes, he is by himself and not communicating with people directly.

  2. Character Question Answering

    6. The relationship with Christopher and his father is very close. Christopher respects his father and trusts him. Christopher's father has been single-handedly raising and taking care of Christopher for the past two years, and someone as picky as Christopher is hard to take care of. Christopher's father really knows Christopher and what he needs so Christopher can be happy. Christopher's father is a very patient person, which is why he is capable of taking great care of Christopher. Christopher and his father's relationship took a turn after his father admitted to lying about Christopher's mother's death and about killing Wellington. Christopher was afraid of his father and never wanted to see him again. In the end, Christopher's father started to build his relationship with Christopher again, trying to fix the problems that had come between the two.

    7. Christopher not only finds it hard to be touch by his father, but by anyone. I believe that because of Christopher's autism and disability, it is in his mentality that he doesn't like to be touched by anyone. It is more comfortable for Christopher to be untouched. Christopher and his father, instead of hugging, spread out their hands and place them together to show their love for each other.

    Jameel Walji

  3. 1. If I could be anyone in the book I would be Christopher. I think there would be many down sides to this seeing as he is autistic and has behaviour problems, but to be able to see the world from his persective would be very interesting. He has a very logical mind and I would like to experience that sort of thought.

    4. If I were Siobhan I would have let Christopher continue with his investigation. Even though stopping him might have been the right thing to do I would have let him go because it's good for him that he was out and trying to communicate with other people. Also Siobhan didn't know the full story so letting him continue wouldn't have seemed so bad to her.

    5. I think the biggest change in personality we saw from Christopher was his shyness. At the begining of the book Christopher is a shy child who stays very much to himself. Though throughout the book and his adventure he is forced to come out of his shell a little and though he remains somewhat shy at the end of the book he is still much more out going then he was in the begining.

    7. Christopher finds it hard to be touched by his father because he finds it hard to be touched by anyone. I think it's one of the symptoms of autism. It makes him nervous and he doesn't know what the person touching him is going to do. Instead of hugging, him and his father touch their fingertips together.

    8. I think Siobhan really helped Christopher communicate with other people by drawing all the pictures of faces with emotions and explaining to Christopher what they meant. She also helped him whenever he hada question about peoples behaviour and whatnot. I think he would still have been able to talk with other people without her but his level of communication definitely wouldn't have been the same.

